UFC Apex, Las Vegas, Nevada, United States
Main Event Fight
Decision (Unanimous) Round: 5 Time: 5:00
Tale of the Tape | ||
33 | Age | 29 |
134 lb (61 kg) | Weight | 135 lb (61.2 kg) |
5' 7" (170 cm) | Height | 5' 7" (170.2 cm) |
0 in (0 cm) | Reach | 66 in (166.4 cm) |
Fight Stats | ||
18 - 4 | Record | 12 - 3 |
Last 5 Fights | ||
26 fights | Total Fights | 21 fights |
22 fights | Professional Fights | 15 fights |
4 fights | Amateur Fights | 6 fights |
9 years | Years Fighting | 10 years |
377 days | Days Last Fought | 461 days |
57 rounds | Rounds Fought | 37 rounds |
13 finishes | Finish Wins | 13 finishes |
61 % | Finish Win Percentage | 81 % |
3 KOs | Knockout Wins | 4 KOs |
5 TKOs | TKO Wins | 9 TKOs |
38 % | KO/TKO Win Percentage | 81 % |
5 subs | Submission Wins | 0 subs |
23 % | Submission Win Percentage | 0 % |
8 decisions wins | Decision Wins | 3 decision wins |
38 % | Decision Win Percentage | 18 % |
8 UD wins | Unanimous Decision Wins | 3 UD wins |
0 SD wins | Split Decision Wins | 0 SD wins |
1 finish losses | Finish Losses | 5 finish losses |
20 % | Finish Loss Percentage | 100 % |
0 KO losses | Knockout Losses | 2 KO losses |
0 TKO losses | TKO Losses | 2 TKO losses |
0 % | KO/TKO Loss Percentage | 80 % |
1 sub losses | Submission Losses | 1 sub losses |
20 % | Submission Loss Percentage | 20 % |
4 decision losses | Decision Losses | 0 decision losses |
80 % | Decision Loss Percentage | 0 % |
4 UD losses | Unanimous Decision Losses | 0 UD losses |
0 SD losses | Split Decision Losses | 0 SD losses |
Method | Round | Time |
Decision (Unanimous) | 3 | 5:00 |
Method | Round | Time |
KO (Punch) | 2 | 4:59 |
Method | Round | Time |
Submission (Guillotine Choke) | 1 | 4:03 |
Method | Round | Time |
TKO (Punches) | 1 | 4:51 |
Method | Round | Time |
TKO (Head Kick and Punches) | 2 | 2:24 |
Method | Round | Time |
KO (Punches) | 1 | 2:53 |
Method | Round | Time |
TKO (Elbow and Punches) | 1 | 3:47 |
Method | Round | Time |
Decision (Unanimous) | 3 | 5:00 |
Method | Round | Time |
Decision (Unanimous) | 3 | 5:00 |
Method | Round | Time |
Decision (Unanimous) | 3 | 5:00 |
Method | Round | Time |
TKO (Head Kick and Punches) | 2 | 2:24 |
Method | Round | Time |
KO (Punch) | 2 | 4:59 |
Method | Round | Time |
TKO (Punches) | 1 | 4:51 |
Method | Round | Time |
KO (Knee and Punches) | 1 | 4:10 |
Method | Round | Time |
TKO (Punches) | 2 | 2:41 |
Method | Round | Time |
Decision (Unanimous) | 5 | 5:00 |