Cocuccio vs Ferreira

DF - Detona Fight 4: Cocuccio vs. Ferreira

February 15, 2019 Friday
4 PM ET / 1 PM PT

Nova Geracao Gym, Macae, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

first Fight

TKO (Punches) Round: 1 Time: 1:00

Tale of the Tape
27 Age 26
154 lb (69.9 kg) Weight 125 lb (56.7 kg)
5' 10" (177.8 cm) Height 5' 5" (165.1 cm)
0 in (0 cm) Reach 0 in (0 cm)
Fight Stats
3 - 2 - 1 Record 1 - 3
Last 5 Fights
6 fights Total Fights 4 fights
6 fights Professional Fights 4 fights
0 fights Amateur Fights 0 fights
1 years Years Fighting 4 years
88 days Days Last Fought 0 days
13 rounds Rounds Fought 6 rounds
2 finishes Finish Wins 1 finishes
66 % Finish Win Percentage 100 %
0 KOs Knockout Wins 0 KOs
0 TKOs TKO Wins 0 TKOs
0 % KO/TKO Win Percentage 0 %
2 subs Submission Wins 1 subs
66 % Submission Win Percentage 100 %
1 decisions wins Decision Wins 0 decision wins
33 % Decision Win Percentage 0 %
1 UD wins Unanimous Decision Wins 0 UD wins
0 SD wins Split Decision Wins 0 SD wins
1 finish losses Finish Losses 3 finish losses
50 % Finish Loss Percentage 100 %
0 KO losses Knockout Losses 0 KO losses
1 TKO losses TKO Losses 1 TKO losses
50 % KO/TKO Loss Percentage 33 %
0 sub losses Submission Losses 2 sub losses
0 % Submission Loss Percentage 66 %
1 decision losses Decision Losses 0 decision losses
50 % Decision Loss Percentage 0 %
1 UD losses Unanimous Decision Losses 0 UD losses
0 SD losses Split Decision Losses 0 SD losses

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